At Setpoint, we measure percent complete by labor only. We evaluate how much labor was spent on a project every week and then we estimate labor required to complete the work and use labor only…
Revenue Recognition in Managing Projects
Discovering and Resolving Problems
Most of the projects we build have never been built before; most are completely clean sheet designs, meaning that no one is quite sure what this machine will end up looking like. This means that…
Delivering Bad News to the Customer
Bad news never gets better with time! In my experience, if you follow a few simple guidelines in delivering bad news, you can make life more manageable for yourself, your company, and particularly your customer.
Project Cash Flow Forecasting
Bidding on large projects is bittersweet. If you have an opportunity to bid on a project that could be either a blessing or a burden, it is important to manage the cash flow. Because cash…
Whose Decision is it Anyway?
It is way too easy to say that because I’m the boss, I decide. The opposite view might be that you require consensus with all those involved before a decision can be made.