In our latest YouTube video Joe walks through our project board that let’s us know how we are doing on each project.
Open Book Finance - Setpoint's Projects Board
Open Book Finance - The Board
What do your numbers mean? Joe Knight shows how Setpoint knows if we are profitable. Using Open Book Finances every week the numbers are reviewed by the employees to see where the company stands.
Lean Automation vs. Not Lean
A look at lean automation vs not lean in a manufacturing operation. A look at SMED, Poka-Yokes, Self Diagnostics, Footprint, Portability, Access for Maintenance, Process Flow, Reducing WIP & Inventory, Visual Workspace & Ergonomics.
Industrial Automation Examples
We have had some questions lately as to what types of industrial automation Setpoint is capable of so below I have listed some of the capabilities that Setpoint has. Filmless X-Ray Inspection Machine We developed…
The Financial Crisis: Events Leading up to it and Who is to Blame
Joe did a great set of videos explaining the financial crisis including what led up to it and who is to blame. We filmed this one before but I hear it was pretty boring and…